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The system must set maximum number of half-open TCP connections to 4096.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-216141 SOL-11.1-050110 SV-216141r603268_rule Medium
This setting controls how many half-open connections can exist for a TCP port. It is necessary to control the number of completed connections to the system to provide some protection against denial of service attacks.
Solaris 11 x86 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-02-02


Check Text ( C-17379r372805_chk )
Determine if the number of half open TCP connections is set to 4096.

# ipadm show-prop -p _conn_req_max_q0 -co current tcp

If the value of "4096" is not returned, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-17377r372806_fix)
The Network Management profile is required

Configure maximum TCP connections for IPv4 and IPv6.

# pfexec ipadm set-prop -p _conn_req_max_q0=4096 tcp